Passive ability. Handmagic.
As an action, by touching a plant, you can cause it to grow as much as it would in one year over the span of one minute. You may direct its growth, so long as growing in such a way would not kill the plant.
You can cause a plant you are touching to slowly change its shape as you command, so long as its new shape would not hurt the plant.
As an action, you can meld with a tree, or other, equally large plant. By doing so, your body and gear disappears, and your spirit inhabits the wood of the tree. You can sense your surroundings out to a range of 45 feet.
While transformed as a tree, you maintain the stats of your untransformed character, though your defense becomes 8, and you may double your current and maximum hitpoints. You are also incapacitated, and cannot speak. You may transform back to your original form as an action.
Last modified: Wed Oct 16 22:06:42 2024